My Life In A Box: A Life Organizer (English)


Within the pages of My Life in a Box..A Life Organizer, author, Laurie Ecklund Long will help you build a new tool box. This one is for family emergencies and natural or man-made disasters.

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My Life in a Box…A Life Organizer: How to Build an Emergency Tool Box

Personal Emergency Preparedness! Do you have a family tool box? Most of us do but we don’t use the tools every day. When we need a hammer, wrench or screwdriver, we know where to find it and how to use it. My Life in A Box, a Life Organizer will get you started!

Within the pages of My Life in a Box..A Life Organizer, author, Laurie Ecklund Long will help you build a new tool box. This one is for family emergencies and natural or man-made disasters.

Crisis comes to all of us at some time. It may not always come as a major calamity like a terrorist attack, tornado, hurricane, catastrophic flood or earthquake, but a death in the family, an accident, or fire, but the impact feels much the same.

As with any tool box, you will probably not use each of the tools right away, but when you need them, they will be there and you will know how to put them to use.  So get started, build your “Life in a Box” so that you and your family will be prepared for disasters or an unexpected family member dying.  Forms included allow you to prepare your family for unexpected disasters, but this book is also valuable and can help you plan your living trust and will.  Don’t leave your family guessing your end of life wishes and don’t go through a disaster without all of your personal, legal, and financial documents.

The key to My Life in a Box: A Life Organizer is simple, personal emergency preparedness!  Be prepared, get organized, and stop procrastinating.  Start preparing now, before a disaster arises.  For multiple copies of this book at a discount, please contact us by email.

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Dimensions 6 × 9 × .25 in